Operating in the industry for over two decades, we understand the expectations and priorities of all parties involved in order maintain a transparent and dependable relationship. Our Subject Matter Experts are trained on Reinstatement rights across Canada and more importantly, experienced and professional.


When we meet or speak with a lenders customer, we aren’t focused on anything else, but how to earn their trust. We understand an automobile, recreational asset or equipment could depend on someone’s livelihood, have sentimental value or is simply be something that someone has come attached to.

Statistically speaking, it’s usually good people who have fallen on hard times that end up in unfortunate circumstances.

While there are limited options to an account holder who has been assigned a warrant of repossession, we ensure that they understand the complete process, their current options, rights and the circumstances surrounding their decision.


Having a complete understanding of the application of applicable provincial and federal legislation is paramount to any decision making. Collecting money is simple, however, to optimize return, client retention, and quality of service, you have to know how to apply the terms and agreement of the contractual obligations by both parties.

As a result, we are able to facilitate seamless business continuity that is unprecedented.

Recovery Logistics Services or RLS is a fully compliant with applicable Ontario or ON laws and carries $2,000,000.00 of Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance as further protection for our clients in Ontario.